Well on the 17th we had a Mexican and Italian and a crazy cracker as I was referred as. We moved a few fish but could not get any to commit. A few were low forty inch fish that looked like they were going to go into the figure eight but turned off due to Rafael's boatside antics. Actually he did fine but it's more fun to say he blew it. We had a blast. Wish the fish were more aggressive though.

On the 18th I had Matt Wirth and his buddy Justin out and it was a slow morning. Didn't see anything. I put the old trusty Suick on in the afternoon and had two lazy follows and Matt did his best to pull his bait out of a forty inchers mouth.............and by gosh he did. That was the only musky hit we had. We had a good look at that one. Matt will say it was the dull hooks and the trolling motor in the way and maybe the wind was too strong for a good hookset or something but Justin and I know what really happened. Good times!

I haven't been out in the evenings lately but will give it a try tonight. We'll see what happens.