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Thread: Fishing gurus, experts, or just hacks like me???

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    sad news about your friend's son, Dick, thinking of you and them. Becky attended a wake for a 14-yr-old student on Friday; very sad indeed when someone so young passes.

    Erik Jacobson and Brian Hanson of "Just Big Muskies" do some topwater trolling and caught a few nice fish doing it in their most recent video. i think they were using the electric motor and pulling baits on the big flats of Mille Lacs. at the end of the video they say they're willing to talk to anyone who contacts them; info is on their website: http://www.justbigmuskies.com/

    some guys around here use standard planer boards to push topwaters up over the milfoil. getting a good hook-set is the trouble of course, though if you're getting strikes that wouldn't happen otherwise it would be worth those misses.

    another idea i've heard people try is the "dual fin" planer board. a neat trick with this is the ability to flip it over so it planes in the opposite direction. you can actually get a bait to zig-zag with this, or use it to steer a bait in and out by driving it precisely around pieces of structure. if the bait was relatively close behind this type of board and you held the rod in your hands you might be able to get a good hook-set without much slack line. (this is theory, not first-hand experience for me.) http://www.bulletbobber.com/dualfin.html

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Or how about an adaptation of an umbrella rig, like a wing of top water props trailed by a topraider?

  3. #108
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Good stuff.Now we are getting somewhere.I think.Keep it coming.
    Was just reminded that this thread has gone over 10,000 hits.Wow,should we move on or keep going?Been fun but is it too unwieldy?Blame Fishwizard,not me,he won't shut up.

    Anyway,recently we've discussed some good stuff.I know the target is 'out there'.I know how to reduce the meaningful water out there(shrink the box).I know to key on 'movement' and bait concentrations.I know the surface is a great edge to focus on.I know speed 'triggers' and can make me more efficient- especially at certain times and under certain conditions(high riding bait for instance).So how about lures like these-traveling up to 20 knots? http://www.candhlures.com/Wahoo-Lures/
    Courtesy of a Florida friend who also is a muskie guy-LOTWs muskie guy sometimes.A few here may recall some years ago when I tinkered with these types of lures.Never really gave them much of a chance-hard because of the companion laughter and ridicule and the fact no other bait was compatible in terms of speed.Sooooo,instead of practicing what I preach,ie,'Fish Alone',I converted them to jerk baits and promptly destroyed them since they aren't a numbers bait for sure.NOT this time!!!!!!

  4. #109
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    May 2008


    While reviewing baits such as the Mr Big,see: http://www.candhlures.com/wahoo-lure...ber-skirt.html ,I was reminded of the extreme expense and the rigging hassles I had experienced.(using one treble and light through wire).
    So,will one of you creative minds please make rigged baits similar to these using poor mans muskie materials?Please consider the vented head and the 'smoke screen' concept which appears to be new since I explored these options awhile back and which may have merit 'out there'.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I'm leaving shortly to deal with wave after wave of snow geese that are crapping on my roof but need to respond to an e-mail I just received from a 'friend' regarding this thread.

    YES,my new Evinrude will go 20 knots(23 mph)so I will be able to troll these lures.

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dpear View Post
    YES,my new Evinrude will go 20 knots(23 mph)so I will be able to troll these lures.
    very interesting; i've heard of people toying with these high-speed saltwater baits for muskies but haven't heard about results...is that because they didn't work well or because no one wants to let the secret out???

    and i know plenty of guys are speed trolling, especially places like LStClair, but 15-25mph? wow. those big saltwater fish are built for speed and endurance...a muskie can swim that fast easily, at least for short bursts, but will it expend the energy to chase down food moving that fast?
    only one way to find out, eh? let me know how you do. ;-)

    what do you think about these slightly smaller ones? they can be trolled at speeds in the 5-10mph range and are wayyy more affordable.
    maybe try one with a bucktail blade rigged in front of the leader for some added thump?

  7. #112
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Why do you think Frankie bought a high speed air boat?

  8. #113
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Speaking of Frankie,went to the Operation Muskie website,clicked on the Flag Island web cam and scanned the area closely.Pretty sure I caught Frankie 'working' the open water around the Red Buoy.Looked like a double 10(red/copper of course).

  9. #114


    There aren't any fish over at the Red Bouy, the spot is overrated.

  10. #115
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dpear View Post
    Speaking of Frankie,went to the Operation Muskie website,clicked on the Flag Island web cam and scanned the area closely.Pretty sure I caught Frankie 'working' the open water around the Red Buoy.Looked like a double 10(red/copper of course).
    see now, Dick, that's just not nice to do to a guy in MARCH...

  11. #116
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    Steve and Mike;I agree.

  12. #117
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    Rig up for use between not too distant casting spots?


  13. #118
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    LOL! Looks like Frank's going to have to get the big tranquillizer gun ready for summer.

  14. #119
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    I received an e-mail saying the ERC references in this thread to some older articles of mine no longer worked.Just checked and that's right but I searched the Drifter website and located it again.
    I know they have started and are continuing to revamp their site and I assume that's why the difficulty.For what it's worth after meeting with the owners last weekend in Mpls i may be doing some writing and other things for them in the near future.

  15. #120
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    May 2008


    The red buoy is now officially off limits for you.Sorry,it's a fish free zone.

  16. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by dpear View Post
    The red buoy is now officially off limits for you.Sorry,it's a fish free zone.

    Sounds like some covert operations will be necessary under the stealth of darkness.

  17. #122


    Oops, I did not get the memo. Currently it is not a "fish free" zone. But will be within two weeks!!!!!!
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  18. #123
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    May 2008


    Just a warning to the general public.Just agreed with Tri-Esox Shows to 'unretire' for one more talk in Chicago.That talk will likely be on 'Water Movement and Muskies' and cover some of the things discussed here.It will be on Sunday so all the Bear fans are safe but the rest of you need to plan around Sunday and make sure you are out of town.You've been warned.

    And,I'd better add I just got topo maps of the area in New Mexico I'll be bowhunting(alone)elk in and the talk,of course,assumes I don't 'tip over' while trying to survive above 10K feet for 10 days or so.

  19. #124
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    Started to get ready for my Chicago talk.Likely total confusion to try make 'Muskies and Water Movement' a beneficial talk unless people have a background of some of the issues discussed in this longggg thread.
    We'll see.

    By the way,likely good Metallica didn't show up.Would have been hard on the store cabin.


  20. #125
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Good luck with the talk.

    I prefer the Thin Lizzy version http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/...60f8cf3c6&tt=b , but the Metallica video is more entertaining. Don't think I'd invite them to the cabin opening party though either. LOL

  21. #126
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Red face

    Good stuff Tim-vintage but good.

    I've always been a bit conflicted by the song. "Now some men like a fishin but some men like the fowlin.." I've always liked both.
    Of course there was a time I'd have been interested in 'Molly's chamber' and a tad of 'Whisky in the jaro' as well.

  22. #127
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    My seminar is way to broad to try cover or make meaningful in 45-60 minutes so got Frankies permission to post some 'background' info here and direct others to it-material I'll only have time to mention briefly in Chicago.Of course me doing it has turned into a cyber joke so need to get the 'boss' on it.Hopefully in the next few days.
    Anyway,hope to see a few of you illinois boys and girls there.(except Jeff of course).

  23. #128
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Will try post a couple old EA articles on 'Wind',one page at a time.Hopefully keep clicking to enlarge and make readable.Click image for larger version. 

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  24. #129
    Join Date
    May 2008


    First part of Article.Pete wisely bailed on the second part.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  25. #130
    Join Date
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    Final pages.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  26. #131
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Really? 17,000 hits?
    Fishwizard,start a new one.

  27. #132
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dpear View Post
    Really? 17,000 hits?
    Fishwizard,start a new one.
    I believe I could ask the same questions again using different words and get another 17k in interest, as long as you and Doug throw some gamma waves in its direction.


    Give me a little time to consolidate my thoughts and I will roll out another philosophical tête-à-tête with the rest muskie hopeful clamoring to join in.
    Less than two weeks now and you'll have to entertain my Quanderous (not really a word) pleading in person on ideas for how I will ever catch one of those elusive 8.14 dollar bills long fish.

  28. #133
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Water movement;water temps;August;adaptability=the realization of dreams.
    Take out water movement=nightmare city.

  29. #134
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    Water movement under the ice?Frankie,reefs,rainbows and walnettos.Stay tuned.

  30. #135
    Join Date
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    Speaking of Frankie,is it coincidence that his name keeps popping up in our language?
    I mean you don't use 'Dickly';'Dickness' etc.
    Is it fair?I don't think so.
    On the other hand,face it,he IS an adverb whereas since I'm often told I'm a 'Dick',I must be a noun-that is,a unique entity.
    There now I feel better and can go hunting.

  31. #136
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    If all surface water is trying to reach sea level due to gravity,should we be thinking about 'gravity' a bit?

  32. #137
    Join Date
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    Nah,forget it.

  33. #138
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    This goes into the 'for what it's worth' bucket.
    Yesterday I had a long but interesting discussion with a friend I hadn't talked to in quite awhile.This guy is 'A' rated and spends most of his time fishing 'gin bottles'(clear 'trout' type waters).The subject of LOTWs and increasing water clarity came up and the discussion got very interesting.Again,for what it's worth,here's a couple points we agreed on if the clarity trend continues:
    1.Trout water tactics(depth,lures,structure,weather,'light' conditions etc)will become more important.
    2.Secondary and particularly non-traditional structure will become more important.
    3.Trolling will become more than just a Fall tactic.A couple things here really got me thinking and now that I have Frankies old Alaskan,complete with top(sun screen),I may have to sit back,sip non alcoholic mint juleps and troll more mid days and during ''high skies'.Not a bad deal for an old man anyway.:-)

  34. #139
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    One more darn thing-for you scientists.Does moving water resist freezing cause it's warmer?Friction?

  35. #140
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to this, but for the sake of discussion here you go.

    There are several parts to this answer, and I don't claim to know them all. Also, not a scientist, so take my answer for what you will.

    Moving water is mixing water, and has higher kinetic and internal energy. Yes, "friction" does occur among the H2O molecules, but plays a smaller part in keeping the water from freezing than the mixing with warmer water. Water freezes by convection to the air due to the presence of temperature gradient. Water is cooled by colder air. The colder the air, the larger the gradient, the quicker this occurs. If the water is not moving the surface molecules will be in constant contact with the air and will cool and freeze (stop moving) more quickly. But with moving water the molecules that were on the surface a second ago cooling towards freezing, are now being mixed with warmer molecules below the surface slowing if not mostly undoing the cooling that had occurred from the convection from the air.

    Like I said, there is more to it than that, but mixing and "interrupting" the convection occurring is the greatest reason moving water doesn't freeze.


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